ZHdK, BA Interaction Desgin | Bits & Atoms II
Recorded 25 minute tutorial
A free service that creates an SSH Tunnel allowing you to Instantly share your localhost environment to the WWW
This is useful for testing your development processes, for testing websites, applications, installations.
It works in combination with a localhost environment either httpserver or node.js
Let's get into code and the terminal for a bit, no longer than 20 minutes I promise!
Since the early years of the internet people have used these technologies to make art.
Net ART is the lable given to these kind of expressions, and refers to artists who have worked with the internet since the early 1990's till around 2010. Newer forms of Art working with the WEB or the Internet are known as Internet Art, Web Art and further and more contemporary are known as Post-Internet Art.
My Boyfriend came back from the war
link to archive from rhizomeMark Hansen and Ben Rubin
Marc Lee, is a Swiss new media artist working in the fields of interactive installation art, internet art, performance art and video art
link to his work